News and Events

Monthly Memo (January 2025)

Monthly Memo (November 2024)

News Letter (February 24)

Join Wetherby U3A Facebook Group   This is a closed group – only open to members of Wetherby and District u3a.   It’s a way to keep in touch and share information with other u3a members. 

Take a look at our volunteering page where there are currently many opportunities to lend a hand. 

Open Meetings

Our Open Meeting takes place on the last Wednesday of every month starting at 2:30 in Wetherby Methodist Church.   Remote access to the open meeting is provided using Zoom.   If you can’t attend the meeting in person click on this link to access it remotely    



We have an on-line quiz planned for the second Wednesday of each month at 2:30pm using zoom.

Click on this link to join the quiz via zoom


A special visiting speaker

27th March 2025 (venue to be confirmed) Professor Alastair Fitter CBE FRS from the University of York and the Yorkshire Wildlife trust will talk to the Environmentalists Nature and Bird Watching groups about Biodiversity.  All u3a members are invited.

Last year we received a presentation from Linda Glew highlighting a project led by Leeds Older People’s forum in partnership with Leeds City Council with the aim of building an more Age-Friendly Community.  Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

Age Friendly Ambassadors

An Age Friendly Ambassador is an adult of any age who will take action to help raise awareness and spread the Age Friendly message to others.
Age Friendly Ambassadors are individuals from organisations, businesses or communities who can help us to make the communities of Leeds Age Friendly places.
Ambassadors may promote Age Friendly Leeds within their workplace, sports team, place of worship, with family and friends or anywhere in their community.   You can find out more, watch our short film and sign up as an Age Friendly Ambassador here. 
Age Proud Leeds
Age Proud Leeds is a campaign to raise awareness of ageism and change negative attitudes about ageing and older people.
Visit to find out more about the campaign, download promotional resources and activity materials and sign up to hear the latest campaign news.
Age and Dementia Friendly Guide
Leeds Older People’s Forum are delighted to announce the launch of the new‘How to become Age and Dementia Friendly’ guide aimed at encouraging organisations and businesses to sign up and take action.
The guide explains what we mean by ‘Age Friendly’ and ‘Dementia Friendly’ and why it’s so important in enabling people to fully participate in the life of our communities. It outlines the benefits of becoming Age and Dementia Friendly and includes some wonderful examples of real-life stories from organisations that have already taken action.
There are five sections to the guide, all of which can be downloaded from the Time to Shine website.

Alongside the guide, we have introduced a convenient online sign up for organisations to state what actions they intend to take and receive Age Friendly and Dementia Friendly stickers for their premises, free publicity, updates and support.

Shine Magazine

A new publication supported by Leeds City Council, the Shine magazine, has been created in response to the Coronavirus crisis.  It shares the stories of older people in Leeds and is available both online and offline. The first three issues can be downloaded from the Shine magazine website – and all future issues will be uploaded to that site.  The idea of the magazine is to help older people feel connected and offer them space for their stories. Shine comprises a mixture of features that offer different opinions, memories of Leeds past, life-stories, health tips and information. The magazine is on the look-out for stories, handy tips, jokes, artwork, poetry, memories….and more. If you want to send a story or get more information, please contact: Leeds Older People’s Forum, Joseph’s Well, Suite 24C, Leeds LS3 1AB. Tele 0113 244 1697.

Click Here for the latest issue of Shie Magazine