We are hoping to establish the following groups soon. If you are interested in joining any of them please get in touch with the named contact for more details and to join in the planning process -where and when the group meets, what goes on during the sessions etc.
The proposed new Drama Group will meet in Scarcroft Village Hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. We’re hoping to get at least eight people to join us for would should prove to be an enjoyable group.
Please click here for more information
This new group starts with the beginning of the new season of 2020 on 4th May and then every Monday between 10:00 and 12:00 at Boston Spa Tennis Club. Please contact croquetu3awetherby@gmail.com for more information.
Walking 6-2-8
For those looking for a middle-distance walk at a moderate pace, allowing time to admire the scenery or take a photograph, this group will start in August. It will meet on a fixed day, the fourth Tuesday of the month, and will include a coffee stop and a lunch break en route and, where possible, a café visit afterwards for tea/coffee and cake/scone – or even an ice-cream! Members will be encouraged to lead walks or volunteer to undertake a recce with a walk leader. For more information contact Judith Pentith pentith@gmail.com.
Audio Visual Spanish
It’s been decided to repackage and relaunch the intermediate Spanish classes. Click here for more information.
Walking Football
Walking football is becoming very popular with those of us wishing to improve our fitness through light exercise and enjoy a sociable activity at the same time. It is a friendly sport, with no physical contact and no previous experience required. We are hoping to set up a new group meeting on 2nd and 4th Thursdays between 5 pm and 6 pm at Tadcaster Leisure Centre. Please contact Neil Haigh if you’re interested neilandsusanh@gmail.com
The following groups are currently looking for new members – See the Monthly Memo for more details
- Art Appreciation
- Enjoying Musical Theatre
- Historic Houses 2