Short courses

New short courses for 2021

First Aid (short course)

Details, venue, timing etc to be agreed. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Goodwin 01937 586582

Memory Course

Feeling forgetful lately? Memory not quite what it used to be? If you are interested in finding out about how memory works in our ‘Third Age’ and how to help maintain existing memory, then you might be interested in attending one of our Memory Courses. The Memory course is now an established feature of the Wetherby U3A calendar and we plan to offer it three times a year. Courses consist of one introductory session followed about a month later by 4 weekly sessions all held at Kirk Deighton Village Hall.
Sessions are planned with an awareness of the sensitivity around memory issues and no-one’s memory weaknesses (or strengths) are ever exposed. The main thrust is to learn about aspects of memory in our ‘third age’ and to help reduce related anxieties in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. If you think you might like to attend, please get in touch. 

For general information, click the icon on the left or contact Jen Scott 01423 339504;

Courses which rerun from time to time include the following……

Last Hurrah!

The Last Hurrah ……..Planning your departure!

Objective of the group: To educate, with the help of professionals, and provide opportunities to learn together how to plan practically for the end of life. To develop guidance/advice to help prepare for the inevitable. 

Six 2 hour, fortnightly sessions (over 3 months)  Starting on Wednesday 12th January from 2pm – 4pm.

If you would like more details of the group, its content and venue please contact Rochelle Cooke or Caroline Green to register your interest.  There are details on the website.  Rochelle’s email is and Caroline’s email is

An Introduction to using iPads

An introduction to Using iPads and tablets – this course first ran in April. Due to popular demand we are now planning to run it three times a year so please register your interest in joining a future course. Those who have attended a course will be able to attend drop-in sessions to build on their skills. Contact Lesley Titchmarsh   Tel:581802 for details and/or to express your interest.

Using Android Tablets

Day/time/week by arrangement ie TBA. Short course or one-to-one instruction according to demand. House group. Mike Green. Tel: 582810. .

Computer Basics

Help is offered on an ad hoc basis. Please contact me if you need help with any aspect of using a computer, phone or tablet  
Details here

ebay – Buying and selling on ebay

This popular course, offered over two sessions, runs several times a year.
It helps you get comfortable with buying and selling on ebay and also covers the Paypal payment system.. 
For more details, cllck here